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Examination Preparation Day


People don't like examinations or tests, who does? It's almost a form of masochism for many with hearts racing, cold sweats and a mild panic setting in as you sit at the desk, an invigilator starts passing out papers, and you stare blankly at the clock on the far wall.


But unfortunately, exams are a necessary evil because we need to show the world that we actually know what we are talking about, and that we deserve that all important certificate.


So whilst examinations may seem scary, there are some things we can do to help matters, which is why we at Citrus Tree have created our Examination Preparation Day.


To help candidates get through exam day, we offer a day of advice where we discuss: 

  • The examination process

  • How to tackle each examination paper

  • How best to preprare for the examination before you get into the room

  • Reading the questions and identifying what the examiners are looking for

  • Translate markings into timings and managing your time

  • Hints and tips on answering questions

  • Ways to tackle the different types of question on the paper​​

Course Content

  • 11 days of guided learning, where candidates join us using a variety of tools including MS-Teams

  • 3 x 2 hour periodic drop-in sessions for study review and Q&A sessions

  • Comprehensive 450+ page student notes covering all the syllabus, broken into 25 modules sent direct by ParcelForce48 to a chosen address 

  • Access to our Learning Portal providing over 120+ videos, lessons, past exam papers, online quizzes and other tools, recommended reading documents, general information, background support, news features and more.

  • Both Paper-01 Multi-format and Paper 02 Case Study examinations EITHER on-line or at our examinations centre(s)

  • Instructor led support during their studies including work submission, feedback analysis and reporting and email contact and support.

  • Membership of the course WhatsApp group for instructor and student support.


Additional Learner Support: we want all learners to have the best experience with us, therefore, if you require any additional learner support, please inform us when booking. This way we can strive to provide the best experience.

  • How many examinations do I have to pass to qualify for a transport manager CPC?
    There are two examinations that candidates need to pass in order to gain their 1071/2009 certification and can then stand as a Transport Manager for an operator within the UK Paper #01 - Multiple-choice A 60mark ‘short question’ format paper. Questions provide an A, B, C or D answer (distractor) format and a notional forty-two marks will achieve a pass. A maximum of 2hours* is available. This is a ‘closed book’ test, with only a pencil, blank piece of paper, calculator and dictionary permitted. Paper #02 - Case Study A 60mark paper that presents a case study with 6 to 8 questions. A notional thirty marks should achieve a pass. A maximum of 2hrs 15mins* is available. This is an ‘open-book’ test, allowing the entrant to have ‘hard-copy’ notes and study materials with them.
  • Do I have to sit both exams at the same time?
    No, you can spread them out if you so wish to. However, both exams need to be passed within a 2 year window, so the clock starts ticking when a candidate passes one of the exams.
  • Do I need existing qualifications to sit the CPC exams?
    There are no minimum examination entry requirements. However, candidates need to note that the Department of Transport believe that an average of 140 to 160 hours of study is required to gain the qualification. This is a Level 3 Qualification and as such is on par with A'level skills. Candidates are also advised to be proficient in England and Mathematics. Legal age ‘capacity’ to practice as a Transport Manager starts at 18yrs.
  • How difficult are the Transport Manager CPC exams?
    Well, that is kind of dependant on the candidate really! The two factors though which result in a better probability of success seem to be ... Study Time and Effort: The more hours and effort a person puts into their study then the better the changes of gaining the qualification. This involves self-study time to go through the notes, the recommended reading list, and in the case of candidates using our Online+ or Portal+ options, going through the online quiz tools, exercises, past papers, and supporting modules and content. Options Selected: Whilst you might naturally assume we are attempting the hard-sell here, pass rates clearly show that the more a candidate invests in their studies, then the better the chances of gaining their qualification. The best past rates are with candidates who attend our Online+ course with First Time pass rates between 68% and 92% (2023-2024) . Those opting for our Essentials option have a First Time pass rate at less that 20%. Having said that, pitching up to our Online+ for 8 hours over the 11 days is still no guarantee of a pass, candidates still need to put in the core time to get a thorough understanding of the topics
  • Are the examiners trying to trick you?
    We get this question a lot. The obvious answer is No, of course not. But.... the examinations are there to assess a candidate's breadth and depth of knowledge in the subject concerned and as such they have to be very specific in the way in which questions are formed, so as to garnish the correct answer from candidates without ambiguity. So, there's an "art-form" to the questions they ask so as to ensure you, as the candidate, give the correct answer.
  • Why is your course split over several weeks?
    So, as instructors we have been delivering Transport Manager CPC for sometime now and we have found that pass rates improve when candidates are given time to absorb and digest the course content over a slightly longer period of time, hence we start the course 4 weeks before the exams. Whilst 2 week courses are available, we have found them to be highly intense for both the candidates and the instructors. We have also found that many candidates come from busy traffic offices, and as such Mondays tend to be "panic" days trying to resolve problems that happened over the weekend, or trying to get this week sorted. Fridays also tend to be POETS's day with many candidates, either by choice or because of pressures in the office. So leaving these 2 days out of the equation tends to make for a more relaxed learning environment. For the slightly more observant, we also work around School Half Term's as well as we find that children and study don't always go hand-in-hand!
  • How does the course work?
    OK, so for every day of the course, you'll get a WhatsApp message around 08:30 from our team, complete with a MS-Teams link for you to come and join us in our online classroom, the doors to which are opened around 08:45 With the Online+ course, you also get the links and a course synopsis outlining what the day's training is going to cover, and advice on any documentation you'll need on the day to download and print. Candidates are strongly advised to have gone through the Portal+ modules covering that particular day's topics beforehand, so that they have a basic understanding of the topic rom the off and we are not starting totally blind. Each day last's roughly 8 hours though some days will be longer and more intense than others. We tend to stop around 13:00 for lunch, and we have 2 coffee breaks at midpoints in the morning and afternnon, though time are very much flexible dependant on the topic and how everyone in the class feels at the time.
  • I'm going to do the Online+ course, what do I need to do?
    So once you are enrolled then you'll receive your Training Pack by Royal Mail Express48, and you'll receive an email prompting you to register on our Portal. We advise that once you receive your pack you start your studies, focusing especially on modules 1 to 6 in your notes as these are our "background" modules. In other words you will be expected to know the content in these modules for both your Paper 01 Multiple Choice and Paper 02 Case Study examinations, but as these are predominantly business background modules then we will not be focusing directly on these topics in the class in any great depth. We also advise you start looking at the remaining content on both the Portal and your notes to get a heads up as to what you are facing. Before the start of the course we strongly advise you go through the Portal content on modules 7 and 19 before the first day.
  • Why do you record the classroom sessions?
    So, we have 2 answers here. The first being for "training and quality" purposes, which is in our terms and conditions. The recordings are kept private between ourselves and those of you in class. The other reason is we upload the edited classroom recordings to the Online+ course module on the Portal so candidates can go back over the classroom if they choose. When editing the recordings we remove your camera feed, so you are not visible in the recording.

Related Courses


Our 11 Day Transport Manager CPC Course including Examination Preparation Days and full access to our Portal


Our self-study course with access to our learning portal containing lots of supporting exercises, past papers, quiz tools and loads more


For experienced staff who have worked in Traffic Offices for most of their careers, this is an ideal self-study tool to help you gain your desired TM certificate

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