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Warehouse Shelves from Above

Tail Lifts


In haulage we are in the "moving game", moving a wide variety of goods and equipment on the rear of vehicles, though at times we may not have the luxury of a truck at either the start or the end of that journey.

For many deliveries, drivers are required to operate tail-lifts in the process of delivering pallets, roll cages or packaged goods.

Here, at Citrus Tree we can help with your training requirements of a tail lift by providing a 1/2 Day Tail-Lifts for Operators familiarisation course looking at 2 of the most popular configurations of tail-lift employed, cantilever and column-lift devices.

Course Content

Our 1/2 day Tail-Lifts for Operators course reviews the following:

  • How Tail Lifts should be used safely and correctly to reduce accident risks, encompassing manufacturers’ operator guidelines

  • Explains the correct loading and unloading of tail lift platforms

  • Review the safety features fitted on Tail Lifts devices

  • How they operate and how they should be used.

  • Basic product familiarisation, legislation regarding the safe use of Tail Lifts, along with pre-use checks and working at height.

Both theory and practical course content is delivered by our experienced qualified instructors, at your place of work, using your vehicles and tail-lifts for practical demonstration and instructional training.

Prices start at £252.00 per session, suitable for 4 candidates.

If you would like further information, or book dates then please feel free to contact us for more information

Delivery Van
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